Traditional Consulting is a Scam

Here is why advice alone won’t fix your business.

Big name consultants love to give advice. You know the drill. You bring a high-priced firm, they flood your inbox with reports, frameworks, and strategic roadmaps. Then they casually come in and out of your life to judge your success or blame your team for just “not trying hard enough” like a toxic ex.

The Problem With the Advice Only Model

1. Most consulting firms recycle the same “shit” for every client. Your company isn’t a case study, it’s a living, breathing system. If your consultants don’t get into the trenches, they don’t know what’s actually wrong.

2. Deloitte found that only 20%-30% of consulting recommendations ever get implemented. Why? Because consultants aren’t accountable for execution. They just tell you what to do, then leave you and your teams trying to meet their “ivy league theory” standards.

3. Now, your managers have to implement some consultants grand vision on top of their already full plates. No wonder nothing changes. 🙃

Why Our Approach is Faster, Better and Achievable.

  1. We don’t just do reports. We work inside your company, side by side with your teams from leadership to frontline staff, diagnose problems firsthand, and make real changes.

  2. If we tell you something needs to be done, we do it. We become the example to follow, the person to ask, the vision to model. If it’s not working, we pivot. Unlike traditional consultants, we stick around to make sure you see actual impact. If not, you don’t pay. Simple.

  3. Advice is cheap and execution is everything. If your last consultant left you with nothing but a slide deck, high standards and trapped in a continual retainer with a crap plan, it’s time to try something real.


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